Monday, August 24, 2009

Sorry for those of you that have kids in the pictures that are now removed from the blog. A parent requested that her kids pictures not be on here so if you like any of them and your kids were in them please let me know and I can email them to you. Thanks!!

Friday, July 10, 2009

More pictures from the kids

The kids love when they get to use my camera. Thought I'd show you a few of their "important" pictures. It's funny the things they want to take pictures.

This is Bella, our hampster. She is very loved. :)

Snack Time

Our Lily Bug

She loves her snacks with the big kids :)

Play-Doh Time!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Summer Schedule

We will be going to the Point Defiance Zoo tomorrow and then every other week after that we will also go. The weeks in between the Zoo we will be going to Chuck E Cheese. On days in between we will be going to different parks. Every Tuesday and Thursday from 12:30 - 2:00 at the SKHS pool, there is free swim. All the kids will have flotation devices for this and I will have my sister along to help supervise. Please make sure I have a complete change of clothes just in case of an accident while we are out. If you have any other ideas, I am always open to them. Thanks!!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Spinny Park!!

It was quite a workout pushing that big tire thing. It was fun to jump on though once it got going.
Lily had so much fun in this thing.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Lily's Birthday

I know these are a little late but here they are!! Out of order, sorry. Don't know how to fix that. :)

Thought the Monster cake was appropraite. :) Hahahaha

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Free hair styles!!!

So you guys let me watch your kids cause you think I like them? Ha!! I get free hair styling daily and I don't have to pay for it! I start teaching them young. Look at Lily in the front. It only took an hour to get that rats nest from Anthony out. And Eric only used half the bottle of water on my pants! They are learning. Hahaha Uummm Ignore that I am letting Lily suck on a pointy comb. Sorry Chaseley. :)


I put a blanket down so she didn't have to get dirty and she crawls right off. Hahaha

Little Angel !!!

She snuggled up to her baby today. It was so cute!!


When these 2 get together they are trouble!! Oh my goodness

Monday, March 16, 2009

Dress up time!!!

Anthony discovered something new about ears... They have a hole!! It was soo stinkin cute!! He was very discusted though. It's great!

Outside Time!!!

Aren't bugs the coolest?

Sorry :)

I totally meant to put that birthday video on my family blog, not this one. Sorry but it's staying. Took a half hour and 3 tries to get it there. Hahahaha

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Logan was trying so hard to blow out all the candles that I had to hurry and stop recording cause he was throwing up!! HAHAHAH

Friday, February 20, 2009

Mrs. Cindy's House

Feb. 13th - Chuck E Cheese!!

This is Anthony & Lily. This was Lily's first trip with us and she was soaking everything up! Anthony has been many times and knows were going before he even sees the building. LOL